Trick Dog Novice Title for Kimber!!

Kimber completed all 10 tricks selected on July 26th for our AKC evaulator, Kyle--achieving her AKC Trick Dog Novice Title (TKN)!!  She did FANTASTIC and we were literally finished with all 10 tricks in less than 5 mintues.  She's such a smart and beautiful girl!!

Show News from Cabrillo - July 24th, 2021!!

We enjoyed the most AMAZING show weekend the end of July.  It was HOT - but it was also FABULOUS!!  Tyberius won WD and BOW under Judge Pamela Peat on Saturday, July 24th...He performed so beautifully and really shined for a 3 pt MAJOR!!  It was a terrific weekend and we really enjoyed competing with all of our friends in San Diego again. 

Show News!!

Oh my goodness - it was AWESOME getting back in the show ring!!  Definitely had to knock the dust off though...What a wonderful show - our stud dogs brother finished his Championship and took Best of Breed on Sunday!  It was our baby Kimber's first show and she did terrific.  Exactly as I had hoped as a happy, excited puppy!  She did everything she was asked with puppy-like exuberance and as one of the judges commented to me, "she is so lovely, she just needs more ring time".  For a judge to go out of their way to comment is not very common--and I felt honored that this particular judge would do so.  Getting ready for Bahia Sur in 3 weeks!!

Upcoming Show - Orange Empire in CA!!

I am SO looking forward to our upcoming participation in the Orange Empire Show out in San Diego!  It will be our very first a very long time.  I am thrilled that CA is getting back to having dog shows!!  Now, if we could have some here in AZ, that would be even more Awesome!!  I sure miss our shows out here and enjoying time with so many of our wonderful RR friends!!

January 2021 - Nyana News!!

Greetings 2021!! We are looking forward to a terrific start to the New Year and we are hoping for much more productive show year.  Not sure if that's in the cards...Unfortunately, due to COVID-- ARRC (Arizona Rhodesian Ridgeback Club just cancelled our Ridgeback Specialty and both KC's have cancelled the All Breed Shows scheduled for that weekend in March as well.  Happy Birthday!!! to our Sig/Sansa pups - Kimber, Willow, Avana, Nyla, Roxy, Violet, Seven, Meisie, Odin & Cruz man...who turned 1 year old on January 17th!!  All are growing up SO Beautiful, Big & Strong!!